Setting and Change Password Wireless AP TP-Link /تغير اسم الشبكة والباسورد الحاص ب راوتر تب-ليك

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Setting and Change Password Wireless AP TP-Link

تغير اسم الشبكة والباسورد الحاص ب راوتر تب-لينك

1. Open your Browser (Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, dll)

2. Write in the address bar browser

NB : Ip default remote for wireless ap Tp link

3. Enter username and password for wireless ap Tp Link

user name : admin
Password : admin

or default username dan password for globalxtreme
User name : admin
Password : xtreme

4. After logging in will appear wirless ap TP menu link, and then click Wireless to see the SSID, wireless name and change the password.

Caption :
- SSID or wireless name on this picture is tanpa.nama
- After changing the name click SAVE

5. Click wireless settings if you want to change wireless password.
Description of the image below:
- Disable security :If that mark or be unchecked "disable security" means not using the wireless password
- WEP : Password is too much to use numbers
- WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK : minimal 8 character, can use letters or numbers then click SAVE

More details can be seen in the image below:

6. Setelah klik SAVE akan muncul Note yang isinya : the change of wireless config will not take effect until the router reboot please click here to reboot

then click click here.

7. Then click OK

8. After that will come the command for reboot

9. Then Click OK to reboot system

10. After clicking OK will appear loading or update, wait until 100%. DHCP Server

Due to the global system issued a dhcp server for radio Rb or bullet, so DHCP server on the wireless ap tp link should be turned off or Disable.

Check Disable, then click SAVE

After that, follow the step 6 - 9 for the REBOOT

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