عندما تقوم بتثبيت أي برنامج أو عندما تتصفح معظم مواقع الإنترنت فإن هذه البرامج تقوم بتثبيت ملفات مؤقتة على الهارديسك الخاص بك لغرض ما، ولكن بعد تثبيتك للبرنامج أو بعد انتهاءك من تصفح الموقع الذي يخزن الملفات المؤقتة لديك، أحياناً لا يتم حذف هذه الملفات، وتبدأ بالتراكم أكثر فأكثر، وكلما تراكمت هذه الملفات، كلما أخذت حيز أكبر من الذاكرة، مما يعيق جهازك من العمل بسرعة، إلى أن تضطر إلى حذف الملفات المؤقتة يدوياً لتسريع الجهاز، وتسريع تصفح الإنترنت.
حذف الملفات المؤقتة
حذف الملفات المؤقتة أو الزائدة أصبح أمراً ضرورياً يجب أن تقوم به دورياً ( كل أسبوع أو كل 3 أيام)، وفيما يلي نعرض خطوات حذف الملفات المؤقتة بالتفصيل.

الطريقة الأولى لحذف الملفات المؤقتة

1 – ادخل إلى My Computer
2 – أضغط كليك يمين على بارتشن C ثم خصائص properties
1- طريقة فتح خصائص بارتشن c
3 – أضغط على Disk cleanup لبدء تنظيف القرص الصالب
2- تنظيف القرص الصلب
4 – انتظر قليلا حتى يتم فحص الملفات المؤقتة الموجودة لديك
3-يتم فحص الملفات المؤقتة
5 – قم بالتأشير أمام الملفات المؤقتة التي تريد حذفها ثم أضغط على clean up system files وانتظر قليلا حتى ينتهي الفحص، ثم أضغط على ok وسيتم حذف الملفات المؤقتة لديك.
 4- قم بالتأشير امام الملفات المؤقتة التي تريد حذفها

الطريقة الثانية: حذف الملفات المؤقتة (مكملة للطريقة السابقة)

1 – افتح قائمة Run بالضغط على علامة الويندوز من لوحة المفاتيح + حرف R معاً
5- زر الويندوز + حرف R معا
2 – أكتب في قائمة Run كلمة واحدة من الكلمات التالية ثم أعد نفس الخطوات مع باقي الكلمات

6- اكتب كلمة temp في قائمة run
  1. الكلمة الأولى: temp
  2. الكلمة الثانية: %temp%
  3. الكلمة الثالثة: Prefetch
  4. الكلمة الرابعة: Recent
3 – بعد أن تكتب كلمة من الكلمات السابقة في قائمة Run اضغط على ok، وسوف يفتح معك فولدر به الكثير من الملفات، فقم بتحديد كل الملفات بالضغط على ctrl + A معا من لوحة المفاتيح ثم أضغط على delete.
7- حذف الملفات المؤقتة
4 – كرر نفس الخطوات مع الكلمة الثانية، وبعد الانتهاء كرر نفس الخطوات مع الكلمة الثالثة والرابعة.

الطريقة الثالثة: حذف الملفات المؤقتة ببرنامج Ccleaner

برنامج ccleaner هو برنامج يساعدك على التخلص تماماً من الملفات المؤقتة نهائيا واستخدام هذا البرنامج يغنيك عن القيام بالخطوات السابقة، بل يقدم لك خطوات أكثر وإعدادات أكبر، ونحن ننصح باستخدامه.
قمنا من قبل بعمل شرح لبرنامج cleaner، ويمكنك رؤية كيفية تحميل واستخدام برنامج ccleaner بالضغط هنا

حذف الملفات المؤقتة من متصفحات الإنترنت

طريقة حذف الملفات المؤقتة من متصفحات الإنترنت قوقل كروم ومتصفح فايرفوكس ومتصفح انترنت اكسبلورر
1 – في أي متصفح انترنت اضغط من لوحة المفاتيح على ctrl + shift + Delete (الثلاثة أزرار معاً)
2 – سوف تفتح لك قائمة منها اختر كافة المربعات ما عدا Form Data، وpasswords لأن هذان الاختياران بخصوص حفظ الأرقام السرية الخاصة بك والنماذج التلقائية لتسجيل بيانات تسجيل الدخول للمواقع.
حذف الملفات المؤقتة من متصفح انترنت اكسبولرر
حذف الملفات المؤقتة من متصفح انترنت اكسبولرر
حذف الملفات المؤقتة من متصفح الفايرفوكس
حذف الملفات المؤقتة من متصفح الفايرفوكس
حذف الملفات المؤقتة من متصفح قوقل كروم
حذف الملفات المؤقتة من متصفح قوقل كروم
3 – أكمل الخيارات بناء على الصور الثلاثة السابقة

الآن نكون قد انتهينا من حذف الملفات المؤقتة الموجودة على الحاسوب الشخصي كذلك على حذف الملفات المؤقتة لمتصفحات الإنترنت المختلفة.

How do I clean my laptop?

LaptopUnfortunately, unlike the standard desktop, a laptop is not as easy to open and clean. However, there are still several steps an end-user can do to clean and maintain their laptop or portable device.
Before cleaning any computer, we suggest the computer first be turned off and unplugged. Also, because you are going to be cleaning the laptop, we also suggest you removing the laptop battery.

Cleaning laptop case

Cleaning the exterior portion of the laptop case can help keep the laptop looking new. The exterior case of a laptop can be cleaned by using a damp cotton cloth that has been dampened with water. It is not recommended that the exterior case of the laptop be cleaned with household cleaning solutions. However, if there is a substance on the laptop that cannot be cleaned with water, we suggest using rubbing alcohol.

Cleaning case openings

If dust, dirt, hair, or other substances is in the case openings, it can prevent airflow, which can cause the laptop to overheat and may even cause it to reboot.
Look for laptop openings where the laptop draws in cool air from outside or blows out any hot air from the inside of the laptop. These openings are usually on one of the sides, the back, or the bottom of the laptop. Dust, dirt, hair, or other substances can almost always be removed using a cotton swab or compressed air.
Caution: If you are using compressed air to clean the openings that have fans within them, the amount of air blown on the fans can cause them to over spin, damaging or destroying the fan. To help prevent this issue, place something in-between the fan blades, such as a toothpick.

Cleaning laptop keyboard

Like almost everything else on a laptop, a keyboard is also different from the standard computer keyboard. With many laptop keyboards the keys cannot be completely removed. Therefore, we suggest cleaning the keyboard by using the same damp cloth you used to clean the exterior case of the laptop. Also, compressed air can be used to blow out any dust, dirt, or hair from in-between the keys.
If you have spilled something onto the laptop keyboard that is causing the keys to stick, and cleaning it does not help, we suggest that you have the laptop professionally repaired.

Cleaning laptop mouse (touchpad)

Cleaning the laptop touchpad can help improve the look of the laptop and also many times help improve the responsiveness of the touchpad. To clean the touchpad surface, use the same damp cloth used to clean the exterior of the laptop.

Cleaning the LCD

Additional information about cleaning LCD and flat panel displays can be found on our main cleaning page.

Cleaning internal laptop components

Cleaning the inside of a laptop computer can be a difficult task. However, in some situations, it may be necessary because of excessive dust and dirt buildup within the computer, such as on the processor's heat sink.
Disassembling a laptop is much more complicated than disassembling a desktop computer. Because of the small form factor it is more difficult, and in many cases impossible. Therefore, we cannot provide information on how to disassemble your laptop. If after cleaning your computer you still believe that it is overheating because of dust and dirt buildup, we suggest taking the laptop to an authorized repair center.

When you first buy a laptop, it always seems to accomplish most tasks very quickly. If you've had your laptop for six months or more, though, most of us would agree it tends to get bogged down, start up slower, take forever to do menial tasks. Thankfully, your laptop can be restored to its full speed a lot easier than you think.


  1. Make Your Laptop Work Faster Step 1
    Uninstall unnecessary programs. If you have a lot of programs running in the background (otherwise known as "bloatware") it can slow down your system immensely. To look at a list of installed programs in Windows Vista or Windows 7, click on the start menu. In the search bar, type "Add or Remove Programs" and press enter. A list of programs will appear. If you remember installing a program, and you don't use it anymore, click on the program name then click "Uninstall." Windows will guide you through the uninstall process.
  2. Make Your Laptop Work Faster Step 2
    Install and use a good registry cleaner.
  3. Make Your Laptop Work Faster Step 3
    Check your computer for spyware. This is a type of software that runs in the background and monitors your usage, sending information back to companies without your approval.
  4. Make Your Laptop Work Faster Step 4
    Install anti-virus software. This may seem counter-intuitive, but anti-virus software keeps malicious programs from invading your computer that could slow it down a lot more than an anti-virus program could.
  5. Make Your Laptop Work Faster Step 5
    Keep big files off the desktop. If you tend to download a lot of things off the internet, chances are you keep it on the desktop. If your desktop looks cluttered, move any non-essential files into a separate folder. This keeps your computer from having to keep track of them whenever it is turned on.
  6. Make Your Laptop Work Faster Step 6
    Disable Windows Aero. Aero makes the edges of windows pretty (semi-transparent) making your computer seem "smoother." If your computer isn't up to all these graphics, Aero will bog it down. To disable Aero, right click anywhere on your desktop and select "Personalize" from the drop-down menu. On the list of themes that appears, scroll to the bottom and select "Windows Classic."
  7. Make Your Laptop Work Faster Step 7
    Upgrade your memory. If you want great performance without sacrificing your programs, you may want to consider a memory upgrade. These typically run $50 - 70 for laptops, and most small places will install it for free. A memory upgrade is the most cost-effective performance booster for laptops.
  8. Make Your Laptop Work Faster Step 8
    Use paging file size. If you don't have enough money to upgrade your RAM then this should be the most effective method. This will boost up your Laptop but use up your Hard Disk . Set it to use at least 1GB of your Hard Disk.
  9. Make Your Laptop Work Faster Step 9
    Use all cores. If you want to increase speed go to RUN and type msconfig. Click the boot tab then click Advanced Options. Check the box that says "Number of Processors" then on the drop box under it click on the highest number then click apply. You may need to restart the laptop if needed. Note: If your Laptop only has one core then disregard this step.

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  • Don't uninstall programs you aren't sure of. Windows may need these to perform basic tasks, and even though you can re-install them, it tends to be a headache.
  • Be careful when using Registry Cleaners, some Cleaners may delete important keys which may lead your computer to stop responding.Use a Registry Cleaner which gives an option to backup the registry.
  • If you already have anti-virus software running on your laptop, don't install a second anti-virus program. They will interfere with each other and really slow your laptop down.
  • Changing the paging file settings can seriously harm your operating system, causing instability and crashes. This technique is for advanced users only.
  • by abed asad
  • with: wikihow.com

e Info

تحميل لعبة كاونتر سترايك 2015

كاونتر سترايك هي لعبة فيديو عمل الذي يمكن أن تلعبه في الشخص الأول أو في الفرق. له جانبان : الارهابيين ومكافحة الإرهابيين. ربما لديك بالفعل سمعت منه ، لأنها هي واحدة من الألعاب الأكثر شعبية من نوعه.


تحميل لعبة doom2 الاصلية

بعض كلمات العبة
idlfa = اسلحة +مفاتبح
iddqd= حمابة من الموت



71.86 Kb




شرح اضافة مدونتك في جوجل ويب ماستر والتحقق منها

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
 درسنا اليوم هو كيفية اضافة المدونه بلوجر في جوجل ويب ماسترز نقوم بالدخول الى جوجل ويب ماسترز على الرابط التالي
 ثم نضغط على اضافة موقع ونضع به رابط المدونه كما بالصوره
صورة مكبرة للشرح
ثم نقوم بالدخول الى المدونه الخاصه بنا http://www.blogger.com/ وبعد تسجيل الدخول اضغط على تصميم / تحرير HTML وابحث بالقالب عن
رمز PHP:
وضع الكود الذي تم نسخه من ادوات مشرفي المواقع بجوار الكلمه مباشرة كما بالصوره
ثم نعود الى ادوات مشرفي المواقع ونضغط على تاكيد كما بالصوره
هتظهر لنا هذه الصوره بانه تم اضافة المدونه في جوجل ويب ماسترز بنجاح

How To Get Organic Traffic From Search Engine To Your Blog

I thing you’ll agree with what I say:
Getting traffic from search engine is hard..buying traffic is easy..
but you know
Organic traffic (Search traffic) is the best traffic for your blog or business.. as it sends you most targeted traffic.
Well, there are ways by which you can start getting traffic from search engines naturally. You will learn it right now, here.
There are unlimited ways by which you can drive traffic to your site. We have already discussed some of the working and actionable methods like using Blog commenting,Guest posting campaignusing Flickrbuying paid traffic and today we will see how we can increase and get organic traffic to our blog and Websites.
Get Organic Traffic
The best of profitable visitors which you can get to your site is from Organic search results. This means, when people search for something and land on your website, because these are the people who are most likely to convert into customers or clients. In blogging, it’s also most profitable as users will be seeing more high CPC Adsense ads, as they will be seeing ads based on their search term. Even direct advertisers look for blog, which gets natural traffic from search engines. Now, there are many search engines like Google, Bing but we mostly target Google as it’s one of the most used and popular search engine. For bing, you can refer to our earlier guide on Getting started with Bing Webmaster tools.
If you have noticed ShoutMeLoud monthly traffic reports, then you might have checked that ShoutMeLoud gets its maximum traffic from Organic search fresults. Getting traffic from Organic search is always beneficial when it come to generate income from advertisements and affiliate programs. Another good reason to get organic traffic is that we get targeted visitors thus it increases the chances to lower down bounce rate and revisiting of readers.
Apart from organic traffic there are other ways to drive huge traffic from social networking websites like Twitter or sometimes images might also help you to get targeted traffic. Here are few articles which might help you to get good traffic apart from search engine traffic:

How to increase organic search traffic

There are various things which you can do to get organic traffic and most important is SEO and we will start with the same.
SEO – Make Search engine easily access your blog
SEO is all about search engine optimization. Making your site more search engine friendly and giving them what people are looking for. There are various aspect of SEO and it starts from On-page SEO, off page SEO, and on Site SEO.
The best place to start is with On-site SEO. Make sure your site is not only indexable but also all important part is crawlable by Google bots. We always prefer to give you tips on SEO and quality articles, both the things go hand in hand when you want to generate traffic from search engine. It is important that you must take good care of Titles, Tags, URL, Descriptions, broken links etc. There are many things which must be taken care about when it comes to SEO. You can refer a checklist of SEO, which will help you with good organic traffic.
SEO optimized content: Write content that search engine understand
Content marketing is the best way to attract organic traffic. The key is to write content based on something what people are seeking for. For example, this piece of content is written to make people understand how ogranic traffic will help and how you can increase it. Similarly, a Website selling fashion cloths can write about content based on what kind of fashion trend is going on and channelize it to drive traffic to their product page.
Though, writing SEO optimized content is not easy as it consist of many steps, which starts from doing Keyword research, writing content based on our Target Keywords and then promoting the content to increase it’s search engine friendly. We have already covered everything you need to write content which drives organic traffic, and below are few articles which you should check out right now, which will help you to make most out of content marketing to get organic traffic.
Link Building – It works as a trust vote
Link building is a part of SEO strategies. Search engines loves quality links and hate irrelevant links. Thus it is important to have relevant and quality links to your blog. Links can be backlinksoutbound links, reciprocal links, connect to other blogs directly or indirectly but the only thing to remember is to get links from good PR and same niche blog.
Specially avoid falling into the trap of buying backlinks for sake of improving your search engine ranking as Google have rolled out an algo update called penguin update, which will flag all such sites who are using spam ways to get links to the site. The best and easy ways to get link to your site is by Guest posting and blog commenting. Write content which are not only unique but also attract organic backlinks, which will help the most.
Maintain blog frequency – Regular content keeps reader happy
Many bloggers don’t get time to maintain their blog frequency thus search engine bots also don’t like such blogs much. It is not that tough to maintain blog frequency, just need to be bit organized. But writing post frequently doesn’t mean that you write articles not related to your niche. Always write article related to your niche and take care about keywords.
Make traffic revisit
So you succeeded in getting traffic from your search. But what next?
Many bloggers miss out on taking this to the next level, and later on regret.
Don’t you want that visitors should stay on your blog regularly? If you haven’t thought about it, you should. As returning visitors are audience, brand advocate.
These people are the one who will share your post on social-media, will tell people about your blog.
How can you do that?..
.. The process is simple as you need to play one secret trick. You need to give them option to subscribe.
I’m sure you have your Facebook page, Twitter page all setup..but are you giving them option to subscribe via email?
Understand one simple yet powerful thing,
You might not check your Facebook, twitter always, but you will always check your emails. If my email hits your inbox, you will either open it or delete it.
Point is, you will see it & take an action. Since ShoutMeLoud sends high quality posts to email subscriber, our open rate is about 16.3%, which is  a good number.
email open rate
Do a simple math:
Email was sent out to approx. 6000 subscribers
16.3% opened the email : == That is 978 readers
6.2% clicked == that is 372 returning visitors…
.. These are the people who will be sharing or commenting & increasing the social value of the post.
Want to do the same for your blog?
Offer email-subscription on your blog. Good placement is after blog post & the sidebar…
.. This is what we use at ShoutMeLoud
Harsh has put a brilliant & easy to follow guide here to getting started with it.
You can read his guide over here & create email subscription box for your blog. If you looking for the best plugin to add the box on your blog, use this easy to use WordPress plugin call OptinMonster.
This is by prominent WordPress developer, and trusted by thousands of bloggers around the globe.
Social media promotion:
Social recommendation is the best way to promote a product and people are more likely to trust something when their friends or family recommend something to them. Google understand it and they are taking social media as a great signal to rank a content…
..You need to make sure your content are sharable..
and you should add social bookmarking buttons on your blog so that people can easily share your content on their favorite social bookmarking sites.
Avoid unethical ways
Many bloggers use unethical ways like link farms to get good search engine ranks and drive traffic but it can result in your getting your blog blacklisted. Getting good ranks in search engine through ethical way might take time but it gives good results in long term to increase organic traffic.
There is no rocket science or secrets to get good amount of organic traffic for your blog. You just need proper strategy for same. If you know any useful strategy to increase organic traffic then do share with us.